Monday, November 7, 2011

Emily Dickinson - Biography

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was known more as a gardener, than as a poet during her lifetime. Emily was born December 10th 1830 and died May 15 1886. She was born and raised in Amherst, Massachusetts. After seven years studying at Amhert Academy she sent a short time at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. When she returned to the family home in Amherst she lived a mostly quite and lonesome life,who had very few friends and rarely left her room. Instead of going out and meeting her friends, Emily had pen pals. It wasn't until after Emily death when her younger sister published most of her poems.

Emily was born the middle child to Eward Dickinson and Emily Norcross. She was considered to be well educated, very bright and an excellent scholar. She also was a very talented musician. She loved playing the panio. Emily was troubled at this tender young age by the thought of death especialy those who were close to her. In Apirl 1844 Emily was so traumatized by her cousins death. Her parents sent her away to live in Boston to escape her devisation. During this time she met her life long friends, who became her pen pals.

When she was 18, Emily met Benjamin Franklin Newton. Who was a family friend. This relationship with him wasn't romantic but he believed in her writing and knew she had greatness inside. He became her tutor and encouraged her.

In the early 1850 Emily wrote that Amherst was fun in the winter. Very soon after her winter enjoyment, she became deeply depressed at the sudden death of her old school principal. " Some of myfriends are gone, and some of my friends are sleeping, my master has gone to rest." Her state of mind was reflected in some of her poems. As her Mother was slowly dying, Emily felt obligated to take care of her. In 1858 Emily forced her focus on her writing instead of the outside world. She was getting to attached and couldn't handle letting go to those people who fell asleep for the rest of their lives. In the early 1860's Emily had completely let go of her surrounds. This was the most productive writing period for her.

In 1866 Emily sufured more personal lost and she wrote fewer poems as a result. Her behavouir began to change and she did not leave the homestead, unless she had to. When vistors came to her house she wouldn't talk to them face to face should would talk to them through the door, and would leave them gifts of poems and flowers.

In 1872 Dickinson met Otis Phillips Lord. In 1877 after the pass of his wife , Otis became Emily's late life romance. They spent six years together, but in 1864 his time had came. In November 1885 Emily became ill and was put on bed rest. In the spring she was able to send a letter believed to be her last, to her cousins. On May 15 1886 Emily passed aways at the age of 55.

After Emily's death her sister kept her promise and burned the most of the poems. Emily did not say what to do with the notebooks so they were published.
                          - Emily's legacy lives on through her poems.

1 comment:

  1. A decent bit of analysis, but a little more deep digging and linking to the poet's life would improve.

    Your look at the poet was good, but seems like you've taken a bit too much from your source material, rather than your own words.

    Your own poetry is rushed, as I've noted on that post.

    Level 3-
